The Health & Human Movement Unit (H²M) is a research unit in which the Scientific and Technological Development activities of the Polytechnic University of Health (IPSN), of the Cooperativa de Ensino Superior, Politécnico e Universitário, CRL (CESPU).

 Mission and Objectives

As a scientific vision, H²M aims to focus on the development of applied research on the topic of human movement.

H²M's mission is to promote and support R&D projects focused on the main research line, with the aim of increasing scientific knowledge and promoting the creation of technological and therapeutic value added, through innovative products and methodologies, and new services.

In order to achieve its objectives, it is up to H²M to:

a. Promote and support preferably applied research projects in the area of health promotion and human movement;

b. Promote the continuous training of young researchers and specialists through master's and doctoral programs, as well as postgraduate courses, advanced courses, and workshops;

c. Invest in an internationalization policy, promoting scientific exchange with other national and international institutions;

d. Create a favorable ecosystem for the continuous exchange of knowledge between H²M and related health companies;

e. Invest in a policy of transferring scientific knowledge to local health units through needs-focused research;

f. Promote the dissemination of research results through publication in national and international peer-reviewed journals, books, book chapters, oral and poster presentations, workshops, conferences, among others.

Local: Escola Superior de Saúde do Vale do Ave (ESSVA), IPSN-CESPU, Rua José António Vidal, 81, 4760-409 Vila Nova de Famalicão



The Artificial Intelligence and Health Research Unit (IA&SAÚDE) is a research unit in which the Scientific and Technological Development activities of the Instituto Politécnico de Saúde do Norte (IPSN), of the Cooperativa de Ensino Superior, Politécnico e Universitário, CRL (CESPU).

Mission and Objectives

IA&SAÚDE's mission is to generate, disseminate and apply scientific and technological knowledge in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable Computing applied to Health.

In pursuit of its mission, the objectives of IA&SAÚDE aims:

   a. To develop Scientific Research and Technological Development (R&D) activities in the defined area of ​​activity;

   b. To promote cooperation, partnerships and scientific exchange with other national and international institutions, networks and researchers;

   c. To promote the dissemination and discussion of the research developed;

   d. To promote the articulation between research and teaching provided by CESPU teaching establishments, and/or other partner entities and institutions;

   e. To promote innovation in research and the transformation of knowledge into economic value;

   f. To promote advanced training in the area of ​​activity of IA&SAÚDE;

   g. To develop activities for the provision of specialized services that provide opportunities for the enhancement of knowledge, technological development, scientific research and innovation.

Local: Escola Superior de Saúde do Vale do Ave (ESSVA), IPSN-CESPU, Rua José António Vidal, 81, 4760-409 Vila Nova de Famalicão

Webpage: » https://iasaude.ipsn.cespu.pt/



The Innovation in Health and Well-Being – Research Unit (iHealth4Well-being) is a research unit in which the Scientific and Technological Development activities of the Instituto Polytechnic University of Health (IPSN), of the Cooperativa de Ensino Superior, Politécnico e Universitário, CRL (CESPU).

Mission and Objectives

The iHealth4Well-being's mission is to promote the development and differentiation of research, quality, innovation, and community outreach activities in the fields of Health Sciences and other complementary areas.

iHealth4Well-being aims to develop research and activities that enable the dissemination of produced knowledge and establish connections between research and various fields of Health Sciences and other complementary areas, including:

a) Regarding Knowledge Production:

i. Produce and enhance knowledge in coordination with the Research Units operating within IPSN-CESPU;

ii. Conduct research in priority areas of teaching, education, and intervention in Health Sciences that generate relevant scientific contributions for the advancement of knowledge and differentiation in the areas of Health and Well-being;

iii. Develop and execute scientific research projects in the fields of Health Sciences and other complementary areas, with an emphasis on Health Innovation, Health and Well-being, Mental Health, Aging, Oncology, and others whose benefits translate into health;

b. Regarding Support Dynamics for Knowledge Structure:

i. Promote multidisciplinarity of research through close interaction between fundamental and applied/clinical research;

ii. Promote the recognition and support of research projects by national and/or international entities through protocols with institutions or academic organizations, health sector, or social entities interested in the development of knowledge and differentiation in the areas of Health Sciences;

iii. Foster cooperation with other national or international research units;

iv. Disseminate scientific knowledge to the community and other public or private entities/institutions, according to the periodicity defined in the Annual Activities Plan;

v. Encourage and support doctoral, master's, and other projects developed by iHealth4Well-being researchers;

vi. Train collaborating researchers, from initiation to advanced research through the development of scientific research activities, production, communication, synthesis, and application of scientific knowledge;

vii. Develop community service activities, provide consulting services, and research in the areas of iHealth4Well-being's mission;

viii. Promote and develop activities that represent added value for the Institution.

Local: Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Tâmega e Sousa (ESEnfTS), IPSN-CESPU, Rua Direita nº5, 4560-462 Penafiel