About the program/cycle of studies

The Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy is structured according to the Bologna process and has a duration of 4 academic years (8 semesters), corresponding to a total of 240 ECTS, in accordance with the Order of 30 July 2008, by the Directorate General for Higher Education (DGES).

According to Notice no. 9363/2012, of 2 July, published in the 2nd series of the Diário da República no. 131, of 9 July, the study plan for this course is organized in order to convey knowledge and skills based on scientific evidence that are necessary to carrying out the relevant functions with professionalism, autonomy and responsibility, respecting the legal and ethical principles inherent to the profession. The specific goals of the 1st cycle of studies in Physiotherapy are divided into three major areas:

  1. Regarding cognitive impairment, to demonstrate understanding of the structure and functioning of the human body in its normal biopsychosocial context, and to be able to identify the pathology from the perspective of Physiotherapy, as well as to know the procedures for recovery.
  2. Concerning the psychomotor domain, to demonstrate the ability to perform a set of techniques for assessing, diagnosing, and intervening in regards to the structures, functions and movement affected.
  3. Within the affective domain, to develop a set of behaviours consistent with a system of moral, ethical and legal values as well as a set of professional attitudes compatible with ongoing professional development.

Course accredited by A3ES 04-09-2017 (CEF).


Academic Degree

Polytechnic Education, Bachelor's Degree, 1st cycle of studies leading to a Bachelor's degree, ISCED Level 5.


Type of recognition

Physiotherapy graduates may practice physiotherapy, which is regulated by the Decree-Laws no. 320, of 11 August 1999, and no. 564, of 21 December 1999, within the professional framework regarding diagnostic and therapeutic specialists. The independent practice of physiotherapy requires the registration of the establishment at the Health Regulation Authority.


Entry requirements


Applies to all candidates who do not hold citizenship /relatives of any country that is a Member State of the European Union; or have not been legal residents in Portugal for more than two years.


  •  Completed secondary school;
  •  Document certifying that the candidate has a national exam of Biology in is education system with the minimum mark of approved in order to substitute our national access exam of Biologia e Geologia, and the respective contents, or take the exam in CESPU


Application Regimes:

General Access: Students who hold a foreign secondary diploma legally equivalent to the Portuguese secondary education. The Portuguese admission exams can be replaced by the equivalent final exams or school-leaving exams required for each degree, duly recognized DGES (Artigo 20º do Decreto-Lei n.º 296-A/98)1.

+23 years old Regime: Students aged over 23 can be admitted to higher education if they successfully completed the special entrance examination that evaluates the capacity to attend higher education courses at CESPU educational establishments, according to the law (DL 64/2006 de 21 de março, alterado pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 113/2014, de 16-07)

 Changing of Course/Institution: Is the act by which a student applies to the same or a different degree from that of the last registration, in the same or in a different institution of higher education, whether or not there was an interruption of the registration in accordance with the Portaria n.º 181-D/2015,  19 of June.

Holder of a Degree: Holders of a Bachelor, master or doctor degree obtained in national or foreign higher education institutions, as long as recognized by Decree law nº66 / 2018  (Decreto-Lei n.º 113/2014, de 16-07)


Official languages

English (minimum 20 students for the first year and in exceptional cases may extend to the second year)
French (minimum 20 students for the first year and in exceptional cases may extend to the second year)


Course duration

4 years - 8 semesters - 240 ECTS



Maria Gabriela Mendes da Rocha Brochado



D.R. Notice no. 9363/2012, of 9 July