

Maria Teresa Herdeiro, PhD, professor and researcher at CESPU, crl, was distinguished with the Lisbon Medical Sciences Society Award / Merck Sharp & Dohme, Lda. (MSD) in Clinical Epidemiology, a distinction of the Society of Medical Sciences of Lisbon and With the support of MSD, the research work "Decreasing antibiotic use through joint intervention targeting physicians and pharmacists: a cluster-randomized controlled trial", aimed to identify the attitudes and knowledge of health professionals, doctors and pharmacists with respect Prescription and dispensation of antibiotics and microbial resistance. Educational interventions aimed at improving the use of antibiotics occurred in the region defined by the Regional Health Administration of the Center. The study was carried out by the researchers, Maria Teresa Herdeiro, Fátima Roque, António Teixeira Rodrigues, Luiza Breitenfeld, Maria Piero-Lamas and Adolfo Figueiras. The project concluded that there was a decrease in total antibiotic consumption of 3.71% More pronounced for tetracyclines (15.63%), macrolides (9.37%) and cephalosporins (7.24%).

The ceremony to deliver the 6th edition of the SCML / MSD Clinical Epidemiology Prize was held on October 27 at 5pm in the Hall of the NOVA Medical School - Faculty of Medical Sciences of the New University of Lisbon.


Etiqueta(s): Ensino politécnico Investigação e desenvolvimento