The Higher Professional Technician in Aesthetics, Cosmetics and Wellness, is the professional who is able to conceive, plan, coordinate and execute aesthetic, cosmetic and wellness treatments, after assessing the client's needs, taking into account the anatomical aesthetic, as well as health and safety, in a holistic and individualized approach to the client, being able to devise creative solutions to abstract problems, following professional ethics principles.
The objective of this course is to train the following specific skills:
- To collaborate in the formulation, production, handling, selection, recommendation and application of cosmetic products and food supplement;
- To design and elaborate plans for the cleaning of facilities, equipment’s and materials inherent to aesthetic, cosmetic and wellness treatments and the production of cosmetics and food supplements;
- To conceive, plan, coordinate and execute plans to advise the client about therapies that promotes wellness, namely therapies for aesthetics, cosmetics, food supplements and others;
- To conceive, plan, coordinate and execute an efficient order management, reception of products and equipment and stocks in supply;
- To coordinate, plan and apply the correct handling of machines, equipment and products within its scope of action;
- To manage communication and interpersonal relationships with the client and the multidisciplinary team;
- To manage and optimize a business in the sector of aesthetics, cosmetics and wellness, calculating treatment prices, managing human and material resources;
- To manage anomalous situations in the client regarding treatments and devise creative solutions to abstract problems that may arise in the scope of aesthetic, cosmetic and wellness care;
- To plan, coordinate and ensure the realization of aesthetics techniques, cosmetic techniques, massage, and wellness, using the technical means, products and appropriate equipment according to the needs and specificities of the client.
Confers a diploma of higher professional technician
In accordance with Article 40 E of DL no. 63/2016 of 13 September, the HPTC courses taught at IPSN are open to: a. Those who have completed secondary education or legal equivalent; b. Those who pass special exams to evaluate capacity to attend higher education for those over 23 years old, held, for the course in question, in accordance with the terms of DL no. 64/2006, of 21 March, altered by DL no. 113/2014, of 16 July and DL no. 63/2016 of 13 September. The HPTC is also open to applicants who hold a technological specialization diploma, a higher professional technician diploma or a higher education degree.
The Higher Professional Technician in Aesthetics, Cosmetics and Wellness has a range of diversified alternatives, in relation to the exercise of functions, namely carrying out activities autonomously or integrated in teams of - aesthetic clinics; - beauty centers; - spa's; - hotel units; companies producing and marketing products for aesthetics and cosmetics; - and other institutions that aim to promote image and wellness.